Sunday, June 10, 2012

Today we cut the ducts on the top of the box. Here is a picture. The steel ducts on the top are slightly to the side of the bottom ones. This was the air can flow more fluently is a curve instead of a straight line. This will reduce the possibility of getting stagnant air in the box. This wastes potential heat.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

First, we cut off the siding of the house using the multi-master.

Then we assembled the back half of the box.

These are the three window panes that will go on the front of the box.

Here is the box mounted on the wall. We haven't yet painted it or assembled the screening on the outside.

The wiring of the wall was all funky so we had to cut out the wall inside the house and fix it.

Then we inserted the ducts from the box to the room. Then we replaced all the insulation with new insulation.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

It has been a while since I got to post something on my blog. The last time I did was about when I got my ACL torn. Since then I have been kept busy with x-rays, MRI's, physical therapy, and other doctor's appointments in addition to building the solar collector. Even though, I haven't been able to stand up for long periods of time Bill and I have really gotten a lot done. Here is a shot of the interior of his van. I will post a complete photo essay of the build in my next blog entry.